
My attention was drawn to a shocking statement, both in content and length, disseminated today by Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton, at a Press Conference.

  • Mar 25, 2025
  • news
  • 14

My attention was drawn to a shocking statement, both in content and length, disseminated today by Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton, at a Press Conference.

In this elongated tirade, Mr. Norton accused me of making critical remarks of and concerning our judges for not writing decisions on time.

While I am on public record commenting at the pace at which judgments are delivered, these comments were made several months ago. The public record will establish beyond doubt that I have made no such remarks in recent times. Is it that Mr. Norton was responding to those months- old comments, or is dementia stepping in? If it is the former, nothing of greater national importance occurred in all that intervening time that warrants his attention?

I steadfastly maintain that I enjoy a cordial and mutually respectful relationship with all the judges of our country. Only today I was the feature speaker at a judicially organized event to celebrate the opening of the Mahdia Magistrate’s Court.

The pictures which were posted earlier today of that event on this page, accurately capture my relationship with the Judiciary. As they say, pictures do not lie but speak thousands of words. Shortly, a video of the speech I delivered will be posted. That video, will even more graphically, illustrate my point.

At a later stage, I will decide whether Mr Norton’s rant is worthy of my additional attention.