

  • Nov 29, 2024
  • news
  • 286

AG Nandlall attended the opening of a new and modern courthouse at Port Kaituma, Region One. This is another state of the art Court, fully equipped with all modern facilities, including, air conditioning, audio recording equipment, facility to do sittings via Zoom, a domestic violence room, magisterial office, prisoners lockup, and living quarters for Magistrates and staff.

Nearly $170 million was spent on the construction of this historic facility. While it is location in a far flung geographic location, it boasts all the facilities like those in the urban centres.

This is yet another undisputed manifestation of our Government’s unflinching commitment to the rule of law and ensuring access to justice to all our citizens wherever they may be located.

Our Government continues to ensure that the Judiciary is adequately resourced to deliver quality services to our citizens.

Also in attendance were the Hon. Mme. Justice Yonette Cummings-Edwards OR CCH, Chancellor (ag) of the Judiciary, Hon. Bishop Juan Edghill MP, Minister of Public Works, Hon. Mme. Justice Roxane George CCH SC, Chief Justice (ag), several Magistrates and senior Regional Officials.