
$1.6B Ocean View Hospital…“Deal smacks of illegality and conspiracy”

  • Aug 24, 2020
  • news
  • 217

The $1.6 billion Ocean View Infectious Diseases Hospital deal entered into by the previous Granger led administration remains one of great concern for the new People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) government.

The deal, according to the Legal Affairs Minister and Attorney General, Anil Nandlall reeks of “illegality and conspiracy” between the owner Jacob Rambarran and the APNU+AFC and he added that the forensic auditors along with the Guyana Police Force (GPF) when called upon will have a gold mine within which to operate.

Nandlall said that while in opposition, the PPP/C strongly spoke out with concerns about the large sum being expended to refurbish the Ocean View Hotel despite it being deemed “an emergency”.
With the APNU+AFC operating in caretaker status, the deal caused much concern, as according to Nandlall, the money was used from the Consolidated Fund without any parliamentary oversight.

“That is clearly,” Nandlall said, “in violation of the Constitution and we said that from the beginning.”

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