

  • Aug 27, 2020
  • news
  • 343

My attention was drawn to a missive to which Mr. Joseph Harmon appends his signature, in his capacity as General Secretary of A Partner For National Unity (APNU) and the “presumptive Leader of the Opposition”, representing the APNU+AFC Coalition in the National Assembly.

Fortunately, it was addressed to none and quite rightly so, because anyone living in this hemisphere would have been familiar with Harmon and his rigging cabal’s relentless efforts for over five (5) successive months, day in and day out, to steal an entire Government, hijack the will of the majority expressed by the ballot, slaughter democracy, trample upon the Constitution and make a mockery of the rule of law. All of this was showcased on a global platform.

During that period, anyone who dare uttered a word in defence of righteousness, was publicly vilified, verbally abused and their character assassinated in the most vile, vulgar and in some cases, racist fashion. Caribbean brothers and sisters, foreign friends and international organisations were denigrated and accused of “interference” and “attacking sovereignty”. Judges, who ruled against them, were viciously and scurrilous ridiculed, publicly. Guyanese were accosted, threatened and abused, in person and on social media platforms, in the nastiest possible ways.

So, I ask again, to whom is Mr. Harmon preaching? And then again, what is he preaching? I have read the statement. It is one of the rare occasions where the message is as atrocious as the messenger.

It is simply unworthy of any comment.

Lastly, “presumptive Leader of the Opposition”? A new coinage indeed. That aside; that presumption can easily be rebutted between now and the appointed time. Afterall, it was “presumed” that the No-Confidence Motion would have failed. It did not!

“Presumptuous Leader of the Opposition” appears more apt.